Course curriculum

  • 1

    Psychology for Theology: An Introduction

    • Introduction: What is Psychology & When Should You Use it? (WATCH)

    • 4 Ways to Know If Your Theology Could Use Some Psychology (READ)

    • Psych for Theology quiz

    • What do you think? (Discussion questions)

    • Dig Deeper (Intro)

    • Psychology Bookshelf

  • 2

    Conscious and Unconscious Thinking and Being

    • The Divided & United Mind | Justin L. Barrett

    • Divided & United Mind quiz

    • What do you think? (Divided & United discussion questions)

    • Bounded Rationality: The Accuracies & Inaccuracies of Social Cognition | Peter Hill

    • Bounded Rationality quiz

    • What do you think? (Bounded rationality discussion)

    • Dig Deeper (Bounded Rationality)

  • 3

    Free Will

    • Are We Free to Decide? | William Newsome

    • Free to Decide quiz

    • What do you think? (Free to decide discussion)

    • Free Will | William Newsome

    • Free Will quiz

    • Neuroplasticity | WIlliam Newsome

    • Neuroplasticity quiz

    • What do you think? (Free will & neuroplasticity discussion)

    • Image of God, Cognitive Science and Free Will | Aku Visala with R.T. Mullins, part 1

    • Free Will and Divine Determinism | Aku Visala with R.T. Mullins, part 2

    • Visala quiz

    • What do you think? (Visala discussion)

    • Dig Deeper (Free Will)

  • 4

    Our Amazing Bodies & Brains

    • How to Build a Human

    • How to Build a Human quiz

    • What do you think? (How to Build a Human Discussion)

    • I Am My Body | Brad Strawn

    • I Am My Body Quiz

    • Can the Brain Understand Itself? | William Newsome

    • Can the Brain Understand Itself? Quiz

    • Neuroethics | William Newsome

    • Neuroethics Quiz

    • Can the Brain Understand Itself? & Neuroethics Discussion

    • Dig Deeper (Bodies & Brains)